Rock dragon Fong

Rock dragon Fong
Rock dragon. Length and width about one and a half meters, height 80 cm, weight about 5 kg. All measurements are approximate, because the idea that you need to measure first and only then "release" came to me a bit late:) Mass of paper-mache, polymer clay, fabric, jewelry epoxy resin, water-soluble paints.

Rock dragon Fong. Age approximately 800 years. One of the last dragons of this glorious breed. The Rock Dragons are said to be descended from dinosaurs. However, millions of years of evolution have done their job and now the Rock Dragons are very intelligent and easily adaptable creatures. They live in mountains, rock formations. The average individual is from one and a half to two and a half meters. They are curious and friendly (which is why they are now on the verge of extinction), easily find contact with people; however, people, encountering them in their natural habitat, for some reason resolutely avoid this contact. :) Fong loves cats (not in a gastronomic sense :)) In terms of willfulness and energy, any husky will outperform. He is excellent guard: people who once looked into the house where the rock dragon has taken root, subsequently bypass it, for protecting their fragile psyche. :)