Fire dragon Ar Rie

Fire dragon Ar Rie

Fire Dragon. Paper-mache sculpture. Height 28 cm, length 35 cm, width 27 cm, weight 1 kg. Papier-mache mass, birch bark, jewelry epoxy resin, polymer clay, water-soluble paints, varnish.

Fire dragon Ar Rea. A glorious representative of the Fire Tribe. Small dragons - relatives of salamanders and fire elementals. They are being in constant motion between worlds usually, materializing where someone lights a fire. The bigger the flame, the better for Fire dragons. Most often they visit the human world in the summer, when there are many bonfires and barbecues. They do not particularly like the "artificial" fire of furnaces and smelters; they prefer bonfires in open areas, made naturally. But, depending on the mood, they can also appear from the flame of a lighter.
They generally feed on the pure energy of fire, but sometimes they do not mind eating a piece of barbecue from a skewer of a gawking summer resident. It is quite easy to see a fire dragon that flew into the flame, if you carefully look into the fire for a few minutes, until your eyes hurt. Especially if you have a little drink before that :) If you managed to see the Fire Dragon is not recommended to tell about it anyone: firstly, no one will believe you anyway. Secondly, no one will believe you anyway. :)
Fire dragons are very mischievous creatures. They easily fan the flame from the spark, they can show various pictures to surprized observer in the fire, they can interrupt you with making a fire - in this case no skill will help you. However, if you use a liquid for ignition, which they cannot stand the spirit, the fire will light up easily. But the offended by your actions dragon in this case will prefer to leave and look for another "victim" most likely. Ar Rea lived in this world for a little more than three thousand years, but he did not lose his mischievous character and light temper.
... And Fire Dragons also love dandelions. Probably, they look to them like little suns :) So if in the spring - at the beginning of summer, walking through the thickets of dandelions, you suddenly notice an orange flash out of the corner of your eye - this means that you almost saw the Fire Dragon. And that means that he is now sitting somewhere nearby and muttering displeased to himself something about the "obnoxious two-legged", which are literally everywhere ... even in dandelions :))