Lava dragon Le Tan

Lava dragon Le Tan
Lava dragon. Papier-mache sculpture, composition - a mass of papier-mache, fabric, jewelry epoxy resin, polymer clay, water-soluble paints, varnish. Length 46 cm, width 43 cm, height 44 cm. Weight is about 2 kg.

Lava dragon Le Tan. Age - 550 years. Lava dragons live in the depths of volcanoes, and usually get to the surface only during volcanic eruptions, because they very much in need of warmth and sensitive to cold. For this reason, outside the temperature of an erupting volcano, they soon fall into hibernation, similar to lethargic sleep. To "awaken" such a dragon, it is necessary to place it at a temperature close to that of molten lava. Lava dragons are usually no more than a meter in length from nose to tail, under normal conditions they live up to 2000 years. Perhaps they live longer, but due to the specificity of their habitats and the complexity of observation, no one knows about this. They feed by absorbing heat energy directly through the skin. Le Tan found himself in the "big world" after the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in 2010. and could not return to the places of his usual habitat.