Azure dragon Lin So

Azure dragon Lin So
Azure dragon, paper-mache sculpture. Paper-mache, jewelry epoxy resin, polymer clay, water-soluble paints, varnish. Height 26 cm, length 41 cm, width 30 cm, weight 1.5 kg.

Azure Dragon Ling So. Azure dragons still live in the the human world. In theory, because no one has seen them for a long time: they learned the cunning of the two-legged and rarely descend from the sky-high heights, which gave them their name with their blue. However, the Azure Dragons have one weakness: they love to go down to the ground on sunny days and play with each other in dense forests. The bright color of dragons makes them easily visible in the green of the forest, so they can become easy prey for the casual hunter. With this in mind, Azure Dragons do not abuse such walks. Once or twice a century ... which, with their average age of four to five thousand years, is not so rare for them. What the Azure Dragons eat is unknown, but judging by the length of their lives, their diet is ideal. :) They sleep in the sky right on the fly, very sensitive, so they easily avoid meeting planes and all sorts of Icarus.